Your grid mapper is WAY off. I’m in EM36GT, which according to you is Okmulgee, OK. This is wrong by about 160 miles. Okmulgee, OK is in EM25ao. Also, the feedback link is dead.
73 W5GA
Your grid mapper is WAY off. I’m in EM36GT, which according to you is Okmulgee, OK. This is wrong by about 160 miles. Okmulgee, OK is in EM25ao. Also, the feedback link is dead.
73 W5GA
@W5GA Thank you for reporting this! We’re looking into it.
Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager
@W5GA Doug - Thanks for letting us know! When you say the feedback link is dead, could you let me know which button is not working for you?
I’m doing some testing on my end and the Report a Bug and Send Feedback buttons are working on my device, so probably it is specific to some operating systems.
Thanks for the support
Actually, I misspoke. It’s the report a bug link that does nothing. I filled it out with the issue about your grid square lookup issue, hit submit, and nothing at all happened.
73 Doug W5GA
Thanks, @W5GA for the clarification! Could you tell me what browser you are using?
Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager