Hello Fellow Hams

Scott Here! Just north of Detroit. 15 and Groesbeck for those close and know what I’m saying. Greeting is all I got for now.


Welcome Scott! Thanks for joining man!!

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Greetings from Washington.


Greetings from Lansing area! Looking to make my first contact. I have a BAOFANG, but not sure where to start. KE8VTR


Welcome Steven!!!

Well, first start with setting your Baofeng to 146.520 that is radio to radio Simplex 2 Meter Band. And 446.000 on the 70 CM band. This is the simplest mode. But these are limited to the area of about 3 miles or so. I imagine your handheld is a 5 Watt unit.

Next you should find a local repeater. This is a bit more involved as the repeaters receive on one frequency and transmit on another. Then there are some that require different tones and offsets. Don’t let this deter you. Get on www.repeaterbook.com and then find some in your area. I’m home all day and all weekend. Let’s set you up! Names Scott K8VXM call or text any time 586-855-8084 I’m a family man and about 85% retired, so I have time and I like helping new HAMS out.

Me know !!! I’m around.


Welcome to the group Scott I’m from NW Pa !