I have broken my Xiegu G90 and I need to get it repaired. I purchased it used, so warranty is out. Any suggestions where to go?
www.csi-radios.com they will charge you $185 I think and they will attempt it there and if not they will ship it to China but the 185 covers the whole cost
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Ok, sounds good! Thanks!
Curious, since i have a G90, how did you break it?
It was not an issue on the part of the G90, but myself! I was experimenting and attempting to cobble together a custom PTT/Mic cable (which CAN certainly be done) and touched two incorrect Cat 5 wires together
. After sending it off to China for a couple of months via the great people at Connect Systems, it’s back on the air!
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Thanks for the detail. And sorry for the Zombie thread.