Newbie on wisconsin looking for like-minded tribe :D

Howdy - Wisconsin newbie looking for tribe - just started studying today for exam - any tips greatly appreciated or ideas for my first radio - budget tight - single mom yoga instructor - thanks and excited to be here.

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Howdy from Maine. Same here a little more than 1/2 way through course. To be honest so far I am totally confused on a radio,

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Or what best antenna to set up for my location. I am in a bad spot, house is in a valley surrounded by high hills. So I don’t know if it could be done without having to spend $100’s if not thousands of dollars to get out over these hills. There is a ham club in the next town over from me I found on the net. I reached out to them by sending an email to them, telling them I am working on getting my 1st license asking if I could go to one of their meets or give me a call, I sent my phone number in the email… They never replied so not sure what up with that??

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bummer - yeah I’d like to find a group here to possibly shadow when someone is on their radio as I learn better when I’m, “hands on.” Hope this isn’t a dumb question - how did you get a call sign without having a license? ty!

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It’s a GMRS license. When you register for a license they issue you a call sign when license is approved, cost $35 for the license. But first you have to get an FRN#, you will need that any when you go for your license test. When I registered to join this forum it asked for call sign so I used my assigned call sign from the FCC

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sorry newbie here FRN#? Federal Reserve Note#?


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No, it’s an FCC Registration Number. FRN It’s like a bank, electric, credit card etc. account number. They use an account number for your file or data base they have to keep track of all transitions.

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Sorry for bother - ok figured out the FRN and applied

working on GMRS

Rugged radios will provide GMRS license with purchase

Mind if I ask what GMRS radio you have?

I’d like one that can reach 5-10 miles so my mom (92) can have one and we may contact each other if the power goes out or SHTF - we’re rarely farther apart than that



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No bother at all, like you I am just wading through the waters. I can’t tell you how far any radio can reach. From what I’m learning in the course is not so much the radio but, the terrain around you if you live on top of a mountain or in a valley like me, also the antenna you use will determine range along with other factors like the atmosphere. I just got a Wouxun KG-935G Plus for my first GMRS radio. It’s good you got your FRN app in, that is what we as newbees need to do keep moving forward, eventually the work should pay off for the prize we seek

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Wow take a look at this B…

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Not insured?

No trail camera?


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Really how can that happen?? 200 ft tower would need a crane to take down and a large flat bed trailer to haul it away… did you get your FRN# yet?

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Yep - Just saw email

I’m official!

WSAS919 - what is yours?


Great!!! Mine is WSAR873

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