Looks interesting. Certainly still needs some polish. Here’s what I notice at a glance. Hope it helps.
The globe graphic on the front page that appears to show contacts around the world is overlaid with a feed of the most recent contacts. It’s not clear whether the animated lines on the globe are depicting those contacts. The overlaid feed certainly makes it appear that way. The globe looks way to busy though to be real. If it doesn’t depict live contacts, I think it should be static. If it does, I think it should make that clear. As is it greatly reduces performance on the front page.
I’m not a fan of the font choice and it takes a long time to load.
The icons on the nav buttons on the nav bar (left) are small and weak.
Hey Jeremy, thanks a ton for the constructive feedback! We released V1 just about 3 months ago, so still brand new and getting better every day. This is some great stuff for us to work on.
The globe is real! It shows the last 200 contacts made in the logbook. We can certainly make some UI updates there - currently our main focus is making BIG Major releases (Import and Spotting are coming short term!) and then we’ll come back to these UI updates. Getting this right is going to take some more time, so really just a question or prioritization in the roadmap. Great point on performance, something we’re always working to improve also.
Definitely a stylistic choice, thanks for the feedback there.
Interesting thought - we’ll take a look at this also!
Cheers and 73! We’re always open if you have any other suggestions, or even if you find some things you like too!