Home page globe graphic

For its large size the WRL home page globe graphic, while clever, adds minimal value. Consider this: What useful information does it communicate? For each “contact trace” (if time is taken to get the cursor on it) we still don’t know the mode, frequency, date, time, or contact duration. So, beyond being “cool”, why not make better use of this space on the home page? The focus should be on content with real value vs. flashy graphics. Maybe ask users what they would prefer.


Hi Jim, great feedback! We have plans to do exactly that, it is just a matter of prioritization. Right now the biggest priority are bug fixes and performance enhancements in a few key areas that affect logging, which we consider critical. This map will get a major facelift when we turn our attention to it!

Thanks for the great feedback!!


I tend to think the globe fits the WRL brand quite nicely, but maybe a bit of a redesign of the site could help here. I know we have discussed a personal dashboard in a previous thread, @N0WRL, so maybe leave the globe on the home page, but design a much more useful user dashboard with personal tools and metrics on a separate page? Just some ideas.


Another idea for the WRL homepage: Perhaps incorporate the globe as a brand but evolve it into an icon of sorts, which takes up less space. Perhaps the globe has “WRL” orbiting it along with random call signs from the active QSOs in progress. Just some thoughts.

Jim - N7RCS