I just did my 1st POTA Activision at Saint Edwards Park in Washington State
I think the was something about export i clicked on that and it gave me this information I did it twice and have 2 files???
KA7RRA_world radio League_1739074294459.adi
I have two of these files,wirh different numbers
Do I need to do anything else? Or do i just wait?
I think i got a green box??? No email or nothing to comferm anything
Hi Dave, welcome to World Radio League and congrats on your first POTA activation!
You can take the .adi file from the export and upload it to the POTA website (pota.app) for POTA credit!
This video will show you how: https://youtu.be/ecNONFFPcZY
Let us know if that works for you, we’re happy to help further!
Well I got it to work, and my log Saint Edwards Park got up-loaded
thank you I’m hoping I can remember how to do it next time.
This weekend I’m going to go to the Rickreall Ham fest In the Salem Oregon area, and if all goes well, I’m going to put the Salem State Capitol Park on the Air.
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